
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I smell 2014 lol

Oook before I start let me apologise (again) for being away for so long. Before y'all come on me (knees) I am sorry oh biko(please) forgive me oo. Lets start afresh (New year resolution tinz) I promise I won't runaway again... Nenye, Bibi, Ayo, prettywoemanc, all the anonymous and ofcourse Mimi (she called and she's actually nice! unbelievable! Lol) 

By the way, this has been an amazing year for me, been through the "good, bad & ugly" and I came out with a smiling face :) I'm in a better place now and loving it! ...yeah my blog suffered during my 3weeks stay in camp (Niger) before I redeployed + I had other things that occupied my time that I was too busy to blog #sigh. I'm still amazed at the pageviews these few weeks I didn't blog...y'all still clicked to check for updates(sorry I removed the auto comment some bad belle people stalked me to this place lol some people can't get over themselves but I'm ready for y'all come 2014 hehehe) .To cut my boring akuko short, I am back and I don't intend to leave anytime soon. See y'all in 2014!!!! and thanks for being there I appreciate :D

Excuse my gbagauns biko lol