
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Beyonce addresses fake pregnancy rumours 

On October 2011 during a live TV interview in Australia, Beyonce's baby bump sparked rumours when her baby bump 'folded' .
Queen Bey finally addressed the rumours in her Feb GQ cover story. Read after cut

According to her she wasn't angered by the rumours , it was her mother Tina and younger sister Solange.
I felt like I kind of had to protect my mother, because when people made up the silliest rumor about me not really being pregnant she was there when I went through all of those things and my sister.'They were very, very defensive. It’s not personal to me, and it comes along with the job, but the lack of respect—people will just go too far sometimes.''

'When I gave birth, that was the first time I truly let go and surrendered. And it taught me how amazing that feels...Giving birth made me realize the power of being a woman. I have so much more substance in my life. And expressing that excitement and that sensuality and the connection I have with my husband (Jay-Z) — I’m a lot more comfortable with that now. I actually feel like my child introduced me to myself'

'I was independent before I met my husband, and we have such a natural chemistry and a genuine relationship, and it’s based on the things that relationships are supposed to be based on,'
I’ve seen, growing up, when a woman or a man in a relationship—it doesn’t matter which one—doesn’t feel confident, they feel a bit trapped. Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are.


  1. She rily finks we fools.. Its only a flabby tommy dat can fold dat way. I'm preggies n no mata how much I bend, ma tommy jez wud NEVA fold. We see oda celebs baby bump, how come we neva saw hers? She dint hav 2 buy up dat floor in d hospital dat nyt, we ol now a surrogate mom had dat baby!!

  2. She still didn't say why it folded! NEXT!!!


  3. Shut up Bitch and explain the folded tummy
