
Monday, October 8, 2012

Flood: 53,000 displaced, 11 communities submerged in Delta

More homes and farmlands have been submerged as the flood takes its toll on the people of Delta Strate.Over 53,000 residents of 11 communities in Patani local government area of the state have been displaced in the last one week.
In Isoko South, Ivrogbor, Umeh, Uzere, Ehwen, Edherie and Igbide communities have also been affected rendering over 1,000 people homeless. Out of the 13 communities in Patani, Abare, Torou-Angiama, Aven, Ogor, Koloware, Adobor among others with a population of about 60,000 people have been displaced sparing only two communities Odorubu and Ebresegha.

Meanwhile ,as part of efforts to rehabilitate flood victims in Burutu local government areas of the state, two resettlement centers are to be opened by the Delta State Government at Ayakoromor and Enekorogha communities. A team led by Mr. Daniel Yingi,Delta State House of Assembly member, representing Burutu constituency 1,expressed shock at the level of destruction saying the team had difficulty accessing some communities due to the flood which had submerged schools, farmlands and houses.

Other communities visited were Gbekebor, Okpokunou, Okirika, Degbene, Dunuogusu and Enekorogha among others.

-Delta Oshobe!

1 comment:

  1. My Brother is in Good shepherd Boys boarding school at oyede-ozoro their sch has been submerged in flood as well as other routes leading to the school. The authorities just called parents to come and carry their kids how will the parents get there are they suppose to swim there.
